
Aven om den stora Halloween festen da alla i hela stan var utkladda skedde i lordags sa ar det idag, 31 Oktober som ar den "riktiga" kla-ut-dig-dagen har. Nagra har givetvis tagit detta pa stort allvar och i morse motte jag en stor panda pa en cykel och en kille i en forskrackligt tajt mjukisdress! Bilden nedan var dock min favorit, en av mina kompisars larare hade gatt "all-out" och klatt ut sig till haxa for att sedan forelasa for klassen!! stortskon, men jag vet inte hur seriost jag hade tagit lektionen om en haxa hade statt och pratat om seriosa saker infor klassen...

Liten på Jorden

Back in Business

Nu har jag varit tillbaka i verkligheten i en hel vecka, en veckas break i en helt annan värld var välbehövligt! Förra veckan var tuff på många sätt och jag blev definitivt SMASHED på träningen när jag kom tillbaka. En uppochnedvänd kropp och hjärna som inte riktigt visste när den fick sova äta och dricka skulle försöka träna på lika hårt som de andra som tränat under hela veckan jag varit på resande fot - Inte supersmart av Becca. Men ibland är man Ung och Dum, ja kan köra med det uttrycket fortfarande, sedan när ordet Ung försvinner, då blir man ju bara Dum... 

Nu är dock "huvudet upp och fötterna ner" igen och balansen har återfunnit sig.

Nästa vecka börjar ÄNTLIGEN collegeasäsongen, första Dualmeetet mot UNLV (Las Vegas) !!!!!

So, How did it go?

The availability to the Internet hasn't been the best during this week, which can be a bit surprising considering How "High-tech" the rest of Dubai is. That is why there haven't been any updates on how the Actual meet went.

Since it is very early in the season and I have basically only done basic distance training I did not know what to expect. It was fun but a bit awkward to race again. The best performance was a 3rd place in the 50 breaststroke. Times are irrelevant at this point so no need to mention them ;)

The rest of the Swedish team did really well, Swedish Junior record and a bunch of medals after the first World Cup  competition of the year, Next stop is Stockholm next weekend - Good luck everyone who's participating!!


After the competition was over we had a dinner reception at the "Armani Hotel" A hotel where everything was design by Giorgio Armani! Even my knife had an Armani stamp on it. I almost did not dare to eat with it. Dubai really knows how to spend money...

Me and my new friends from Italy and Brazil.



Yesterday we got some time to explore and experience Dubai before the meet started. Here are some pictures from our adventures!
Seven Stars hotel "Burj Al Arab"
Huuge Aquarium in mall of Dubai - worlds largest mall
The worlds tallest building over 800m tall!!, its the TV house (I think) Dubai is good at being the tallest, biggest, widest of everything..
The swedes in the Persian Gulf
Indoor skiing?? In another mall!

In Dubai (In English!!)

Hey everyone, I will write a few posts in English for a couple of days because I know there are a few of my english speaking friends who want to understand what I am doing.

I got to Dubai somewhat painfree, it took me about two hours to find the person who was suppose to pick me up. Fortunately enough, while I was waiting in the "WOMEN'S Waiting area" (yes, it was separated between men and women) I found a Swedish speaking Finnish girl who worked for a travel agency so at least I had someone to talk to.

After a few very confusing phonecalls and couple of Men dressed in white dresses later, I finally found the person i was looking for. He had been looking for a MAN for two hours when they were supposed to pick me up and therefore had not realized who I was...? Interesting confusion...

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